About Us
NuShop are direct importers and manufacturers of fashion apparel and school wear. We cut out the middleman and wholesaler and in doing so we convert these savings into the lowest prices for our customers. With its formidable brand reputation and vastly expanding customer base, NuShop operates various 'family' stores in towns in and around KZN and Gauteng. NuShop maintained its family appeal to ensure that customer service remains a number one priority. Through active management and by keeping up with international retail trends, NuShop has been able to stay ahead of the pack by offering a fashion focused approach to ensure quality is met at all times. Our people are our greatest asset and on-going training and development is encouraged at all times.
NuShop is a broad-based black economic employer. We employ over 250 staff of all races and are committed to empowering broad based leadership and growth for its employees at all employment levels. We have developed strong partnerships with more than a 300 schools in KZN and Gauteng as their official school uniform stockist. We contribute significantly to these schools as part of our on going social responsibility programme.